29 July 2010

Kucing2 Siam Belaan Keluargaku

Korang nak tahu tak? Di rumah aku ada banyak kucing siam. Keluarga aku mula membela kucing siamWe began defense of Siamese cats in the vicinity of the end of 2007 or early 2008 (I am not sure how, according to my father that I was ...), before moving to Bukit Jelutong. Previously we lived in an apartment in TTDI Jaya, not far from Bukit Jelutong. Roughly three years I have completed and the family lived in Bukit Jelutong.

Beginning of the story of Siamese cats to defend life, my mother has given a mother cat called Lily and her two new pieces a few months old. Cute and Annie their name. But when moved to Bukit Jelutong, only a mother cat and Cute because Annie has been missing in TTDI Jaya. Not long after her cat disappeared and will not want to live in our house. The Cute and the mother was let free and confined.

BB or Boboy, "the big boss in the house"

Manja, "the young cat mom"

Cute, had been given birth, and have many children who have died. Not easy to defend the Siamese cat is. They are more prone to disease. What happens if Cute frequent switch-move their children. Cute children die all the first generation. His sons from the second generation, only a BB or Boboy animal. Two die when small pieces while Brownie has disappeared from home nearly a year it seems. Brownie and BB is a male cat. BB even miss independent, she would always come home.

Si Putih, hilang tanpa dapat dikesan setelah terlepas keluar

Binky, will take turns, alternately, with other siblings (Dinky & Blackie) and Pumpkin, released from the cage

Blackie (kiri) bersama ibunya, Si Comel

Cute child, then four more pieces. A die when small. Living three pieces called - Grey or called Pumpkin only, White and valuable. Unfortunately, The White also had disappeared after one day missed. He never returned direct missed since the free, unlike regular Brownie went home before the missing continues.

Seterusnya Comel beranak empat ekor lagi. Mati seekor, tinggal tiga. Dinky, Binky and Blackie or called Black by my father. Blackie is just a female cat. Finally, the four tail Cute child. A further three remaining dead.

Binky Jr.

Dinky Jr.

Blackie Jr.

Comel tak mereka?

Di bawah adalah gambar-gambar anak Si Manja. Mereka merupakan generasi kedua. Anak Manja generasi pertama dahulu kesemuanya mati ketika masih kecil. Anak-anak Manja seperti gambar di bawah dilahirkan kira-kira sebulan yang lalu. Dua dah mati, sekarang hanya tinggal tiga ekor lagi. Yang terakhir mati ketika aku dan keluarga pulang ke kampung hujung minggu lepas.

5 ekor anak Manja yang lahir kira-kira sebulan lalu

Anak-anak kucing tersebut setelah berumur hampir sebulan

So, ada berapa ekor kucing siam keluarga aku ada setakat hari ini? Comel, BB, Brownie, Manja, Dinky, Binky, Blackie, tiga ekor Juniors, dan tiga ekor anak kucing yang belum bernama. TIGA BELAS ekor kesemuanya.

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